Current Newsletter

Naples Pilots Association meets

the fourth Wednesday of each month at the

Pilot Lounge on the Naples Airport.

Membership is $25 per year.

are welcome.

Call for directions 239-263-9121

Call for more information 239-263-9121

President’s Message

Naples Pilots Association Message–
May 2015

It’s official, this is my last meeting as president of
the Naples Pilots Association. It’s been a better experience
than I could have ever imagined. We will be having a vote
on the next president by all members present at the May
meeting. So far Ryan Allen has been nominated as the next
president. I’ll be continuing on the board to help with
the transition and continue with communication with members.
This is the last meeting until September.

Here are the board members for when you reach out to

  • Ryan Allen <>;
  • Catherine Fay <>;
  • Charlie Paulk <>;
  • Jim Hendricks <>;
  • Joe Bawduniak <>;
  • Wendy Wahlstedt <>


If you’re still in Naples this week, don’t miss our
May meeting. We will be celebrating Dave’s retirement from
the Presidency of the Naples Pilots Association. Four and
a half years of effort are being rewarded with a nice spread
of Wine, beer, meats and cheeses, shrimp, meatballs, and cake.

April Speaker

Our speaker in April was Bill MacClarence, P-51 pilot
in World War II. I’ve done my fair share of reading and
studying World War II. I’ve seen the documentaries and
specials on the P-51, but it never ceases to amaze me
that I learn something about the actual operations whenever
I listen to someone who was actually there. Bill has a
great way of relaying the day to day experiences of the
pilots. His perspective personalizes a conflict that is
easy to romanticize. Thank you Bill for sharing your experience
with us. It was great to hear your stories.

May Speaker

Our speaker this month, George Moore, flies for
Fletcher Flying service doing cropdusting in Immokalee.
George flies the Air Tractor 802. A Single-Engine beast
with 1400hp motor and a 9200lb payload. He will talk about
his experiences crop dusting. In addition, he will talk
about rules, procedures and specific operations at Immokalee
to help integrate with ordinary General Aviation aircraft



Learn to Fly at Marco Island
with Fogarty Flying

Monthly Pancake Breakfast

Chapter 1067 of the Experimental Aircraft Association
holds a monthly pancake breakfast at the Pilot’s Lounge
on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 8am-11am. It’s a
lot of fun and a great deal for breakfast, only $5. Stop
on by. Non-Members of EAA are welcome.

If you are interested in displaying your aircraft, please
call Dave at the Airport Pilot Shop.


Trade-Ins Needed

If you have any used headsets or portable GPS
units laying around collecting dust, please see Dave at
the Airport Pilot Shop. He may be able to help find a
new home for your old equipment. or 239-263-9121

Front Desk – Sit at the front desk and
help greet the membership during the meeting. Contact
Catherine Fay 239-403-4838

Hospitality – Help pick up food and
drinks for the meeting. Set up coffee, snacks, chairs
etc. 239-263-9121



An organization like the Naples Pilots
Association can’t run itself.

It needs
capable people to help carry out small tasks to make our
meetings work. This teamwork is essential. We are currently
looking for a couple people to help with these tasks. I
promise the workload is very low and it’s a great way to
get involved and meet other members.

Naples Airport projects

It looks like this will actually be the final
report on the runway 14-32 project. Final grading and sod installation
are in process. The north end is slightly ahead of the south
end as grading on the north end is complete. Pilots should take
note that taxiway G is being removed to simplify entrance to
the GA ramp. Once sod installation for the runway is complete,
all connector taxiways will be milled and resurfaced. This should
all be completed by the end of May. The final striping is expected
to be added sometime in June. Runway 14–32 continues to
be usable on weekends and during windy conditions when needed.

Some of you may want to visit the West quad pond area at the
end of this month. It is getting quite a facelift and will have
approximately 2250 indigenous plants around it. The purpose
of all this has been twofold. One is to improve filtering and
clean up of airport runoff that goes into the Gordon River.
The other is to eliminate the canal next to the grass strip.
This wet canal has been attracting excessive wildlife. For those
who are curious, rip rap rock will border the pond. (Can you
say that three times!) When all is complete, there will be a
lookout gazebo at the west end of the boardwalk. Project still
expected to be completed by the end of May.


For one to the airport:

On April 6th and 7th, the annual FAR Part 139
airport inspection was conducted. Staff spent several weeks
prior to the inspection getting all the records together and
ensuring the airfield was in full compliance for the inspection.
Very successful inspection! No write ups!

For another to management:

Executive Director Ted Soliday was named the
2015 AAA E Southeast chapter aviation professional of the year!

A new safety protocol:

Due to the upcoming rainy/lightning season,
the airport authority has added a new safety measure to help
inform pilots of the potential for lightning during inclement
weather. The airport has been using the ThorGuard Lightning
Prediction System for the last year and this new enhancement
adds an additional strobe and sign on the ramp side entrance/exit
of the GA Terminal, when the system has been activated.

Not for glider pilots:

For future planning purposes, the next noise
compatibility committee meeting will be Thursday, June 25 at
9:00 AM in the airport office building. Pilots are encouraged
to attend if they are able.

New badges this summer!

Security staff of Naples Airport has finalized
the design for the 2015 ID renewals and will begin in August.
The 2015-2016 Ramp Access sticker color will be bright yellow,
with black writing. (I wonder where they got their inspiration!)

Many tenants bring their ‘furkids’
to the airport with them when they have things to do in
the hangar, or are getting the aircraft ready for a flight.
The dogs are typically able to run around near the hangar.
This is a very serious safety hazard, not only for anyone
driving on the ramp, but also for the dogs. All dogs are
required to be leashed when on the airfield to avoid any
potential problems


Favorite Places to Go

I know everyone has a favorite place to fly-out for breakfast
or lunch. Why keep it such a secret? Please share your favorite
places to go, so that I can build a library of fly-out ideas.
I will share all of the ideas on our
website. Something that may seem routine to you may be a
completely new experience for someone else. Where have you
flown lately?

email David Rochin:

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