Monthly Pancake Breakfast
Chapter 1067 of the Experimental Aircraft Association
holds a monthly pancake breakfast at the Pilot's Lounge
on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 8am-11am. It's a
lot of fun and a great deal for breakfast, only $5. Stop
on by. Non-Members of EAA are welcome.
If you are interested in displaying your aircraft, please
call Dave at the Airport Pilot Shop.
Trade-Ins Needed
If you have any used headsets or portable GPS
units laying around collecting dust, please see Dave at
the Airport Pilot Shop. He may be able to help find a
new home for your old equipment. or 239-263-9121
Front Desk - Sit at the front desk and
help greet the membership during the meeting. Contact
Catherine Fay 239-403-4838
Hospitality - Help pick up food and
drinks for the meeting. Set up coffee, snacks, chairs
etc. 239-263-9121
David Rochin
Presdent - Naples Pilots Association